by priyasaraswat

I work on the invisible force that unites technology and people

Hey there, I’m Priya, your friendly neighborhood Design Manager at Microsoft! 🙏 I’m a perpetual learner, always curious and eager to grow as a designer and leader. My mission? To empower and uplift people, helping them feel confident in their product choices and career goals. Always aim to design some smiles along the way😊✨ 

I truly believe that design is not a product of chance but a result of intentionality, driven by a strategic approach to achieve balance and effectiveness. Behind every delightful user experience or efficient online tool, there’s a strategic mastermind at work, plotting and planning for that perfect balance. ❤️ 


Design & Leadership Journal

My leadership tenets

Clear vision for the future

For me, it’s essential to gaze ahead into the future, getting a sneak peek at the epic experience our work is crafting. Complexity? Bring it on! It’s like my favorite puzzle—I thrive on the challenge. But without a guiding northstar, I’m like a ship lost in a sea of uncertainty. Whether I’m weaving my customer obsession into user experiences of the products or playing the cheerleader for my awesome teammates, I thrive on painting vivid futures and making dreams a reality! Because let’s face it, without a roadmap, we’re just a bunch of adventurers without a compass!

Communication, sometimes even overcommunication, holds immense significance for me. I believe in leaving no room for assumptions and ensuring no one is left hanging.  But here’s the kicker: without clarity, it’s all just noise. As a leader, I strive to crystallize my thoughts into clear, actionable directives, ensuring everyone’s on the same page 

Communication, sometimes even overcommunication, holds immense significance for me. I believe in leaving no room for assumptions and ensuring no one is left hanging.  But here’s the kicker: without clarity, it’s all just noise. As a leader, I strive to crystallize my thoughts into clear, actionable directives, ensuring everyone’s on the same page 

Communication, sometimes even overcommunication, holds immense significance for me. I believe in leaving no room for assumptions and ensuring no one is left hanging.  But here’s the kicker: without clarity, it’s all just noise. As a leader, I strive to crystallize my thoughts into clear, actionable directives, ensuring everyone’s on the same page 

Communication, sometimes even overcommunication, holds immense significance for me. I believe in leaving no room for assumptions and ensuring no one is left hanging.  But here’s the kicker: without clarity, it’s all just noise. As a leader, I strive to crystallize my thoughts into clear, actionable directives, ensuring everyone’s on the same page 

Latest Case Studies

A Haiku to sum it all

Design’s intentional,
Strategic strokes paint the way,
Pixels spark delight.